About Taylor

It’s me, TJP!

Hi, friends! I’m Taylor Phillips, a New York City-based content creator, model, and now — blogger! Born and raised in the midwestern United States, I moved to New York City in 2017 to pursue a career in modeling. Along the way, I fell in love with my fiancé, Jeff, became a dog dad to Parker, the best goldendoodle ever, and together we just renovated our first home together! Over the past several years, I’ve built a following sharing my life online, which has ultimately led me to create this very website — welcome!. I have a wide variety of interests, ranging from fashion, to real estate and home renovations, to fitness, to music; the list goes on. I created this blog to explore these interests and because I just love to share my life with anyone who will listen. Growing up as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I never felt like I had an example of the type of happy life I could create and live, and I hope that by sharing my life in its truest form on this blog, I’ll be able to provide a (hopefully positive!) example to others.   So whether I write about go-to sneakers, or how I make my favorite chia seed pudding, or what kind of hardwood floors we installed in our house, it’s all here for you. Thank you for letting me share my life with you.


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